Sometime in early February, 2021 a dashing San Francisco native and a vibrant Minnesota gal swiped right on Hinge. After playful messages about world travels and being born abroad the two agreed to meet for drinks at State 48 Brewery on February 13th (Lindsay does not like beer but thought Will was cute enough to make it work). Lindsay was completely CatFished when she walked in to find a familiar face but with MUCH longer hair than in his photos. 3 hours later they deemed the date a success and agreed to another. A few dates later Will met arguably the most important male in Lindsay's life, Loki. Weekends quickly became busy with cooking dinners, hikes and park walks with Loki, meeting friends for pool days and you guessed it, sports games! Will and Lindsay began meeting each others families in the Fall including a Vikings game, trip to Denver and Minnesota for Thanksgiving. To say the two were now best friends in love would be an understatement.
After about a year and a half of dating Will decided he wanted to ask Lindsay to marry and devised a plan with his Dad, Jim at Christmas of 2022. Winter and spring were full of fabulous adventures like going snowboarding in Flagstaff, playing in the snow, hikes and many days playing frisbee at the park with Loki.
Our Story would not be "our story" without taking a moment to honor our best boy Loki who we lost suddenly to liver cancer in June 2023. Lindsay, Will and Loki became a little family and Loki will always be remembered as the start of something incredibly beautiful.
In August of 2023, Will and Lindsay took their first international adventure to London and Ireland. On the third night of the trip Will proposed to Lindsay at the top of the Shard in London, with the help of Lindsay's brother. The couple couldn't wait to share the news with family and friends after a romantic walk along the River Thames and a champagne toast by the Tower Bridge. It was PERFECT! The couple finished their trip exploring Ireland with Lindsay's brother, Matt
To finish the whirlwind of a year, Will and Lindsay welcomed their Mini Australian Shepherd, Odin (Odie) into the family in October and it's been chaos ever since.
Lindsay and Will have enjoyed the last year of wedding planning and can't wait to see you all on April 25th, 2025!!!!